Wednesday, October 15, 2008

da man an me

throm ka brother
dis is wierd
i dunno wat it it abt bathrooms
i get stimulated within
whether it be my hand or hed or bowels
that and when i hav just seen a movie and im having trouble digesting the full implications of.
dis one was at my coll
da coll bathroom is a uniquely stimulating
h7 bit mesra south wing ground floor bathroom
so there i was in the bathroom feeling pretty mich dumped off at whatever was holding a bit of shit inside and my hed was full of a movie i saw just then and in conjunction wid a movie i had seen before
consider a world where deres a man
now ive been dere at skool and deres a man who comes and steps on dat nifty rubbr band car.
he comes again later and reads out to the class that note you were thinking whether or not to pass
he hasnt yet cme in college yet but hes olways dere
da dark silhouette on da door n i dunno whn hell come l8er but hes dere and hell march in whenever i take my eyes off him
n dats when hes being nice
when hes being nasty he makes governments attack its own citizens,he makes people watch him as he sodomizes dem
he drops a ittle boy and a fat man on dem
so wat i do is watch da door,not my work,not my food,not my unfinished chair in the shd,not dat girl who actually returned my call.
i watch da man
so i gow up
maybe ill grow up 2 hav alotta letters b4 my name and ill hav scarlet johannson(brittany murphy wud work as well) trying2 controll three kids screaming daddy when dey seeme come up the drive what then does the man see?
he sees an average office mop in his stiff uncmfrtable collar and starched white shirt.
he sees me work my butt off and sign outhe sees me open a car
he sees me go homehe sees me ,my scarlet johannson ,my 3 kids
its payday
he sees me slash dat card
sm1 tells me ive recieved wat used 2 be da green stuff back whe i was a kid
i slash that card on my car to open it
i slash that card on the grocery store to bring home da potatos.
i slash that card on my opens and lets me in
hell i even slash that card on my shitpot so that my daily digestive diagnosis thingummybob is saved under my name
so wat dos da man do in this situation
in fact before i ask that question,where the hell am i in the equation?
just where i work my butt ofim the hand that slashes the card nothing more
so wat dos the man do

remember even my scarlet johannson lives about now
probably da terrorist and da alleged al qaeda are even more hi tech now.
probably da card was introduced as a social security shes pretty shit scared of nething al qaedaish.
hell its probably not even a card its probably a chip in my hip

in this scenario wat dos da man do to stick it up mine?
he shuts down my chip
i go to my car.
da car guesses that im some road obstacle.
i think in dat world even dogs are given chips.
da car wont even do the courtesy of thinking that im a dog.
so i run to the chip stand nd tell dem somethings wrong
btw i cant even go to my scarlet johannson cuz her door wont open and she'll think its some local kid disguised as me trying to hump her.
probably da fone wont work because of that building dat blew up the other day and it is suspected that al qaeda did it using a fone so -no fone for the un chipped.
now i wal across the street 2 get to a cab.
den i realize the green stuff dsnt exist how do i pay da cab when my chip is out?
so i walk
I walk down the street and i set off some alarm as an unchipped entity as i cross the street at the lights.
da police come to check
dey see a sweating asian with olive skin
im an asian
so da police fall back and call the homeland security or some such fancy squad
dey get me into a room
im in a room
a pure white room with no one
im strapped up
there are people on the other side of the white wall ahead of me but i cant see them
they can see me
they see an asian wake up and break into a spontaneous sweat.
they are the men who faced the media when the media demanded why had not those terrorists ;responsible for blowing up that building the other day; been captured
they see me all right
they see a scapegoat
i make it to the front page
scarlet johannsons' mother would tell her that i was a no good layabout from the start
shes sorry that she was with me
on the chairi wish the shock would start the chip and tell people that im innocent
no point thothe authorities wouldnt own up to a mistake neway
im on the chair
then i see the man megalomania
this is his worldand i didnt have this forced on me
i chose it myself
i chose to trade in my card for the chip
i chose to have a card in the first place
i didnt see through the blatant false government
it was my choice and i chose to sit on the chair
i gess not very cheery eh?im pretty sure im gonna be proved true in a decade or two
its a damn gestapo act all over again
da new rocket of russia rocks by the way
that is to say it would hav rocked if the red army had used it to stop the war on iraq
it was made by then
sadly thw red army is funded by pretty much the same people that put the green stuff into the hands of the gi
:(wat they want happen......
but dere is time
dis is a scenario painted 20 years in advance
deres time
dere ,as jack black once rightly pointed out ,used to be a way to stick it to tha man
sadly da man went and spoiled dat as well with a thing called mtv
.arnab over and out

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