Well after 4 years some things have changed
essentially the first post became inapplicable and then became valid again about a month ago.
then i began a distinct downward spiral as far as academics are concerned and a slightly upward one in campus notoriety.
now in my final year most of my frends are gone and those that remain seem to have rearranged priorities.
there are three changes
1 Pa=pr
dilip one of my best frends is almost exactly the same.me trying desperately to hit on his ex merely makes him laugh(and me too actually since im unspeakably bad at it)
another thing that is pretty much the same is my disregard of punctuation whenever i write and hypocrisy in demanding it whenever i read.
2 pa>pr
here we have the example of sujitesh and most people on duty.
dont get me wrong here i thoroughly approve of the involved female but we who knew him so well before feel something has been compromised post bachelorhood.
here certain new frends come into light.
theres one called kala with whom i had a 4 hour walk just for the heck of it
in his words "its surprising how far a pleasant conversation will get you"
in this case 14 kilometers after a night out.
and yes depression makes whatever i write seem to suck.
i cannot say for sure that ill be back
thanks to ashwina to remind me that this blog still existed.i had truly forgotten about it.